Travel by car to Åre

Show Åre on a map.


Distance to Åre in kilometers

E 14 stretches from Stjørdal, just north of Trondheim in Norway, to Sundsvall at the east coast of Sweden. On its way it passes through the main villages of Åre municipality. Here are some distances by car from the largest cities in the Nordic countries:

  • Trondheim 168 km (approx 2,5 hrs)
  • Sundsvall 285 km (approx 3,5 hrs)
  • Stockholm 630 km (approx 7-8 hrs)
  • Oslo 660 km (approx 8 hrs)
  • Göteborg 890 km (approx 11 hrs)
  • Malmö 1 120 km (approx 12-13 hrs)

Traffic reports

The Swedish Transport Administration reports on the traffic situation 24/7.

Parking in central Åre

Parking is only allowed on marked parking lots. Most parkings requiring a parking fee are disc parkings, ranging from 2 - 24 hours. If you do not have a clock disc allready, please buy it at the Tourist Office or at Åre Tobak.

Some parkings, the indoor parking house at the station included, have parking meters where you pay per hour. 

Larger free parkings are by the main lifts, at Holiday Club and at Konsum.